SFHAX The Workplace Community™ is a group of labor market participants organized around an enterprise level Internet-based Labor Exchange.
SFHAX The Workplace Community™brings employers and employees together in an efficient, equitable manner that facilitates the production of goods and services demanded by consumers. SFHAX The Workplace Community™ provides project managers, workers, entrepreneurs, inventors and investors the objective data they need to direct the finite human resources available into their highest and best use.
The Labor Exchange is similar to a stock exchange combined with a hiring hall.
The key members of the Workplace Community are Employers, Employees and Workplace Advisors. Support members are Technologists, Economists and Trainers.
Employee Members are classified into industries by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and occupations using Standard Occupancy Classification (SOC) codes by the US Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics respectively. Their skills are further detailed by industry practice. This combination sets up a unique indexed set of Skill Classifications that Employer Members can search to find available suitable Employee Members.
Workplace Advisers (Qualifier) Members assign a Skill Classification to Employee Members and verify their credentials. This gives Employer Members assurance that the Employee Member is capable of performing the skill at a reasonable level.
The system has additional nontraditional features. Employee Members list their availability on a calendar, how much travel they are willing to take on along with their asking Labor Payment. The system accumulates hours worked under a Skill Classification so Employers will know how much time a person has been paid to work under a Skill Classification, verifying experience.
Labor Payments are negotiated directly between Employer Members and Employee Members. The hourly Labor Payment includes Labor Exchange fee, Workplace Advisor fee, worker’s compensation insurance, employer taxes, cafeteria style benefits and compensation (traditional wage or salary).
The Labor Payment allows Employer Members to see Employee Members as 1099 workers (Contract) yet allow Employee Members to have large company benefits and continuity in their work life. An individual can be a member of the Community for their entire working career, even though they work for multiple Employer Members thus maintaining continuity in benefits.
An individual natural person can work for multiple Employer Members, as well as being a Household Employer Member or Sole Proprietor Employer Member. The Community facilities GIG economy work by task or schedule. It also handles traditional recurring scheduled work. It allows an individual, if a Sole Proprietor Employer Member, to bid on work paid by the project, yet maintain benefits and hire others to help.
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