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The Pure Theory of Human Economic Action

By Richard A. Cornell, PE

Economic Calculation

Economic calculation is made possible by the invention of double entry bookkeeping accounting using units of medium of exchange as the common denominator. Economic calculation enables economic actors to plan over time production activities based on expected amounts of medium of exchange that can be received in trade for specified amounts of labor or land in the future.

Profit and Loss

The comparison of amounts of medium of exchange expended for land, labor and production functions compared to the amount of medium of exchange that can be obtained for the land, labor and production obtained from these expenditures allows for the calculation of a profit or loss on the proposed activity. A profit or loss indicates that a change is needed from the current allocation of land, labor and production functions. A profit indicates that the endeavor should be undertaken. A loss indicates that it should not be undertaken or that an existing activity should be reduced in scope.

The profit and loss tends to drive human activity to the state of an evenly rotating economy where any change from current activity would result in a loss. This evenly rotating economy in practice is never achieved because people change their desires, nature behaves unpredictably and innovations are creating production functions that combine land and labor in ways that more efficiently satisfy human needs.

Human activity has created the production processes that are in existence at any point in time. Those that do not show a loss for the present production period are considered ongoing businesses. The questions that need to be answered for these businesses for the next production period are:

Growth for growth's sake will not be profitable and is not what consumers need or require. This leads us to the standard economic concept of supply and demand curves.

Supply and Demand

Standard micro-economic text books contain reasonably clear explanations of supply curves and demand curves and how one maximizes profits. These explanations are interesting. From a practical point of view, the problem lies not in the supply calculation but in the demand calculations. Demand can be determined only by placing some goods or services on the market to see for what amount of medium of exchange they will be exchanged. To do this one has to speculate on the selling prices. The amount of medium of exchange needed to purchase land, labor and production functions is more easily determined since these items are already traded and usually current prices can be obtained.

The general concept that more supply brings lower prices and less supply brings higher prices is generally true; however, all goods and services have a finite demand. At some point everyone who wants the good or service has one. When this occurs the demand drops only to replacing items that wear out.


Planning how to allocate land, labor and production functions is a critical process necessary for the smooth functioning of economic activity. Planning for an ongoing business requires estimating demand for the product or service in the future exchange periods, the amount that can be produced in future production periods, competition and the profit to be obtained.

Two key planning tools are the balance statement and the income statement. These statements in various forms are used to evaluate the current success or failure of a production activity and estimate future results of various production plans. These tools will be examined from the economic point of view, not from a tax or subsidy standpoint. Taxes and subsidies, are in many cases, intended to subvert the underlying economic tendencies.

All production activity is derived from natural persons' consumption; therefore, the income and balance statements will be looked at from that perspective. The land and labor used in production is owned by natural persons ultimately even if the ownership passes through corporate persons.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is used to state in terms of medium of exchange the ownership of all the land and production functions controlled by an economic entity. In practice businesses treat these statements in various ways. To simplify, items owned or claims on others are called assets and claims on the entity by others are called liabilities. The difference is either net worth for a natural person or equity in terms of a corporate person.

From period to period, net worth or equity should be positive and not decrease. A negative net worth or equity indicates that bankruptcy is a serious possibility since promises to others can not be honored and assets are being depleted or more obligations are being taken on than can be supported by the assets. When one looks at assets the amount that represents the present value of the future income stream in terms of medium of exchange is what needs to be placed on the balance sheet to make the calculation sound, from an economic point of view. The value of a house tends to be determined by the present value of the future income stream that a future buyer is willing to dedicate to housing. For natural persons a simple balance sheet follows:

Natural Person's Simplified Balance Sheet

CashStudent Loans
Financial InstrumentsMortgages (house)
Real Property (house)Secured Debt (car)
Transportation Equipment (car)Unsecured Debt (credit cards)
Sinking Fund (replace worn out items)
Net Present Value of future earnings
Total AssetsTotal Liabilities
Net Worth = Total Assets - Total Liabilities

Corporate Persons

Corporate persons tend in current practice to not be valued at the present value of future income streams (dividend payments) but by less rational reasons from an economic point of view. It is important to realize that subjective value, a key tenet of modern economics, means that something is worth what someone else is willing to exchange for it. Marketing hype or mistakes can cause exchange valuations to be vastly different from the present value of the expected dividend streams discounted by the interest rate over the expected lifetime of the corporate entity. The liquidation value would also be added.

The valuation of a company should be based on its expected earnings over the period of time it is expected to be viable plus whatever can be obtained from its liquidation.

Many companies such as restaurants may be viable and profitable for a few years but as tastes change they are no longer viable. An investment in them is sound. as long as the return over the period of viability is high enough and the restaurant is liquidated before it incurs losses.

Income Statement

Since balance sheets are snapshots of ownership at a point in time, a different financial calculation called an income statement is needed to analyze the transactions that take place over the period between balance sheets. Natural persons are the reason that there is economic activity so the analysis should start with their production and consumption. Natural persons' productive activities produce income in the terms of medium of exchange and their consumption produces expenses. A natural person by providing labor is the fundamental production actor. Land is the existing physical reality to which the labor can be applied.

A natural person's income and expenses could be categorized as follows in the list below. The categories of income and expenses are classified by their purpose, not by who provided the receipts or payments. This is a difference from the way many income statements are constructed but is done to illustrate the statement from the economic rather than the tax accounting point of view.

'Taxes' are paid for the provision of a variety of services and should be examined from the perspective of the value the individual service provides, not the type of organization that provides it.

A second analysis should be made as to whether the provider of the service; government, nonprofit or forprofit organization, is the most efficient provider of the service. This analysis must take into account the particular characteristics of the service, for example insurance.

Insurance needs to be examined relative to what is being insured such as house, car, life, medical expenses, general liability, etc. In many cases there are adverse selection and other tendencies which may make the category uninsurable in conventional forprofit markets.

Income Statement for a Natural Person


Total Income in Terms of Medium of Exchange
