SFHAX The Workplace Community
Systems For Human Action EXchange (SFHAX)


Contact Us

Please contact us via the following methods depending on your interest.

Early Adopter Employer Members

If you are interested in becoming an early adopter Employer Member, please contact workplace.advisor@sfhax.org by email.

Early Adopter Personnel Service Professionals

If you are a Human Resource Professional interested in becoming a Workplace Advisor Member, please contact workplace.advisor@sfhax.org by email.


If you are interested in learning more about SFHAX The Workplace Community financial status and how you can profit please contact workplace.advisor@sfhax.org by email.

Early Adopter Employee Members

Please fill out a Membership Applicaiton. We will contact you at the email you entered with additional information about training and other activities.

Next Steps

Please review Terms and Conditions, if you agree fill out

Copyright 2024 Richard A. Cornell, PE